Are you thinking about booking Six-Two Studio?

Frequently asked questions

Q: What happens if my episode is longer than what I ordered?

A: We have a 10 min grace period. If you booked 30-60 mins but recorded 70 minutes — you’re in the clear. If you consistently send 70+ min audios, we’ll approach you to let you know you’ll be charged a $25 overage fee per episode.

Q: How long do I have to send in my content after I order?

A: All content must be submitted within 120 days. If you exceed this timeframe, you will not be reimbursed and your order will expire. You are welcome to send all your episodes in at once upon ordering, or send them in as you go. Should you send one at a time, you have 120 days to submit all episodes before expiry, unless a longer timeframe is discussed in production meetings for a specific reason.

Q: How long should my podcast be?

A: We recommend 30-60 mins for most shows. Reach out if you want to discuss a longer format. Thirty to sixty minutes is a great length of time for your listener to tune in to. Shows that are 60+ tend to be consumed in chunks, and have a lower listen rate.

Q: Why do I need to know the length of time for my show?

A: An engaging show is both natural and well-prepared. Should you have any guest interviews, staying within a time range respects your guest’s time. And a set episode topic helps keep you on point for solo shows.

Q: How long does it take to edit my episode?

A: We have a 30-day turnaround for your order, or a two-week turnaround per episode. Should you take longer to submit your content, completion will be delayed.

Q: Can I buy one episode?

A: Yes. We sell basic editing in single episodes. This does not include our premium features. If you want us to schedule your episode and handle premium details, then we require a minimum booking of four episodes. If you have a creative project, please get in touch so we can discuss your project and provide a quote for a custom package.

Q: Why do I have to purchase my episodes up front?

A: This lets us know you’re serious and professional, and saves us from doing creative work that goes unpaid for.

Q: What if my show is under 30 minutes?

A: We do not sell packages for less than 30 mins, but sending in something a few minutes shorter is completely fine. Some of our podcasters have episodes that were 15-20 mins instead of 30 mins. Our price is the same regardless.

Q: What if I don’t want my episodes to come out regularly?

A: Having a set frequency will show a greater performance. If we’re scheduling and uploading your show with a premium package, we’ll need to predetermine the timeline before airing. If we’re not scheduling your show, you can do whatever you want! Our Basic Editing would be a better fit for you, though please note this does not include premium features.

Q: How frequently should my episodes air?

A: The highest listen rate will be a weekly episode that your audience can rely on. But depending on your topic, a weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly or monthly show might be better for you. We can help you plan that out. It’s more important that YOU can keep up with your episode frequency.

Q: Do you provide any marketing?

A: No. We are a podcast production company and not a marketing company. Should you require soundbites to be clipped for the marketing you create with your team, we are happy to do this for you free of charge, though you will need to inform us the timestamps of the clip you want to use.

Contact us

Couldn’t find an answer to your question? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.